How to Make a Battle with a Custom Team
Original guide by @pqr29 on Discord
0. Dump your romfs with Citra
1. Tools that you need
-The MyTags.txt from <#1146912428748177449>
2. Create a BattleRule
First extract the battle_rule_config_0.03g.cfg.bin
from yw2_a.fa/data/res/battle
Then open it with cfgbineditor and clone BTL_RULE_INFO_2
check the variable 0 as hex and put a random value on it
3. Set your custom team
First extract the common_enc_0.03a.cfg.bin
from yw2_a.fa/data/res/battle
and create 6 entries in ENCOUNT_CHARA
(the yokais for the custom team)
and clone ENCOUNT_TABLE_414
Change the id and put a random one then change the EncountCharaOffsets with the offset of your custom team
Next go to your battle rule config, open it go to the 4 sub entry and change the variable 8 and put the id of your ENCOUNT_TABLE
Finally go to the encounter that you want to have custom team and put the variable 0 of your battle rule config in BattleRuleID
, enjoy your battle with custom team