Adding New Missions to Blasters T
Original guide by @thewadi on discord
Step 1 - Adding a New entry to mission_5.00.33.cfg.bin
Make sure to use Cfg.Bin Editor with the latest tags
Open res/hackslash/missions/mission_5.00.33.cfg.bin
Create a MissionID
Set a MissionNumber
superior than 997500 (the mission number is the name of the folder where the enemy and bosses are configured in res/missions)
Set a MissionType
(1 is a Standard mission, 2 is a Dangerous Mission, 3 is a Forbidden Mission and 4 is a Aura Mission)
Set the NumberOfFloor
with the number of floor of your dungeon
Set your MissionMenuNumber
to a number superior than 97
Set your MissionPhaseAppear
to 0 (since we didn’t discovered how to make custom condition at the time of I’m writing this guide)
Set a MissionTextID (The mission’s text cfg.bin is in the .fa language in mission_common_text_en.cfg.bin) (and of course I’m not going to tell you here how to add a text entry to a cfg.bin)
You can also set an item to be used to access the mission by putting its ID in ItemUnlockID
Step 2 - Adding Rewards to your Mission
Open res/hackslash/mission/mission_reward_nuparts_0.01r.cfg.bin
Duplicate two entries with the same number (normally there is one entry and one entry group with the same name)
Set your MissionID in REWARD_INFO_YourEntryNumber
Set 3 rewards (it can be either an item or a yo-kai, if it’s a yokai, put “1” to IsYokai
and “0” to IsItem
Step 3 - Adding the Menu Information to your Mission
Duplicate an entry
Set your MissionID
Set the BaseID of your Enemies Yo-kai in EnemyBaseID
s (Minimum 4)
Set the BaseID of your Boss in BossBaseID
Step 4 - Adding the Enemies and the Boss to your Mission
Duplicate a folder in res/hackslash/missions
and rename it with your MissionNumber
You’ve set in the Step 1 Exemple: “mi010400”
Do the same with the …_enemy_0.01t.cfg.bin inside (rename it with your MissionNumber
Set your EnemyParamIDs
and your BossParamID
Step 5 - Making Your Boss’ AI Work
Open res/character/hackslash
Find the ParamID of an existing Mini Boss (example: Bastenyan)
Duplicate the HACKSLASH_BOSS_CHARA_PARAM_INFO_LIST entry of the Mini Boss and set your Mission’s Boss ParamID
Step 6 - Create a Second ParamID for Your Boss with More HP and Stats
The title says it all, Make sure to put the stats in Min
and Max
in charaparam