How to Add Sounds

Original guide by @whisperito on discord

Hello, in this guide, I will explain how to add sounds to the games

Please note that this guide assumes that you already have the .bcstm sound you want to add to the game.


  • An extracted RomFS. If you don’t have one.

Adding Music/Themes to the .bcsar:

  1. Open your .bcsar in BCSARView, it should be in the snd/folder of the RomFS
  2. In the “Create” menu, select “External Sound”
  3. Another Window will open
    • In “Name”, put the name of your .bcstm (remember, it’s case sensitive!)
    • In “Path”, put the path to your .bcstm (from the .bcsar’s directory) (e.g: stream/[bcstm_name.bcstm])
    • In “Player”, select “BGM”
    • In “Template”, selecting any theme/music should work.
  4. Save your .bcsar. It should now work. Don’t forget to put your .bcstm in the folder you specified in “Path”

Adding Voices (Medallium) to the .bcsar:

  1. Open your .bcsar in BCSARView, it should be in the snd/folder of the RomFS
  2. In the “Create” menu, select “External Sound”
  3. Another Window will open
    • In “Name”, put the model ID of your Yo-kai (don’t forget to add the .bcstm with the same name! (In YW1: it should be yXXX (4 first characters of the ModelID), for YW2 and further: yXXXXXX (Full ModelID.) )
    • In “Path”, put the path to your .bcstm (from the .bcsar’s directory) (e.g: stream/[bcstm_name.bcstm])
    • In “Player”, select “VOICE”
    • In “Template”, selecting any voice should work.
  4. Save your .bcsar. It should now work. Don’t forget to put your .bcstm in the folder you specified in “Path”

If it doesn’t work, please tell me, and I will be able to fix the guide!