Editing the Title Screen!

Original guide by @komazuraaa on discord

Tested with YKW1 EUR in English.

  • Open your FA file in Kuriimu2 and navigate to the ` data/menu ` folder.

  • To edit the top screen part of the menu, find the ` title_u00_[language] . For English, select title_u00_engb . Double click it and open 000.xi . Now, click the 'export png' button to export the menu texture. Edit it to your liking, and click 'import png' to import your edited texture. Click the save icon to save, and close the tab with the xi ` file. Now you should be in the tab containing the contents of the ` xa ` file. Click the save icon once again to save it. Now, close the tab with the ` xa ` file. Finally, click ` File -> Save as.. ` to save your edited FA file.

  • To edit the bottom screen part of the menu, find the ` title_d00_[language] . For English, select title_u00_engb . Double click it and open 000.xi . Now, click the 'export png' button to export the menu texture. Edit it to your liking, and click 'import png' to import your edited texture. Click the save icon to save, and close the tab with the xi ` file. Now you should be in the tab containing the contents of the ` xa ` file. Click the save icon once again to save it. Now, close the tab with the ` xa ` file. Finally, click ` File -> Save as.. ` to save your edited FA file.