How to Add Items
Original guide by @stringsbutalt on discord
There are 2 types of items you can add first is equipment & consumables. The guide will vary a tad bit for all of them
Making the Item Name & Description
(Set ) -
Add 2 to the value of entry group
Duplicate 2 entries.
In the duplicated entries generate a new CRC. Set it as the TextID. You should have 2 now. One for the Item Name & Item Description.
Now for your name entry set the “Text” field to your items name. In description entry set the “Text” to your items description.
Remember your Name TextID & Description TextID. you’ll need em 4 later
Making the Item Icon
in k2 -
Open the png, extract the png. Edit the png to add a new item to the next slot in the array (image below to make it easier for yw1)
Copy a item like item_002.xi for example
rename it to the next available item number in my case 309. (this’ll be your Offset2 in item step)
Change the texture to your custom items texture
Adding the Item
in CfgBinEditor -
On the entry group of your item type add 1 to the value. If your making a consumable the entry group will be
, if your making equipment it’ll beITEM_EQUIPMENT
. -
Open your entry group.
Duplicate one of the entries.
Set your tags to
Generate a ItemID from a crc website Put anything you’d like it should turn out smth like 0x50ED2AAD. Now add that as your ItemID
Add The NameID we made in the previous step.
Add The Inventory Sort. this is the category your item will go in. 10 = Food 20 = Item 30 = Creature 40 = Soul 50 = Equipment 60 = Key Item 61 = Key Item with Image
Add the ItemType. (I haven’t documented them so gl).
Set your Offsets. Set Offset2 to the number of your item xi. So item_309.xi would be 309.
Set your CarryCap (Max amount of items you can have in a stack. Usually is 99)
Set your SellPrice & PurchasePrice.
Set the offset of the ItemPosX & Y. It should be how far across is the item and how far down. Find this based on what we did on the last step.
Set your DescriptionID to the textID you made for your item in the previous step.
Open ItemIndex and add 1 to the entry group value.
Duplicate a entry. Set the ItemID to the ItemID u created. Set the ItemSort to your ItemSort.
there are also Item Equipment and Item Consume Conditions
but i have no clue how those work lmao
ik how u call them but idk how to make them. so i left that out